Berikut kodenya:
$fname=$ARGV [0];
sysopen(IN,$fname,O_RDONLY) or die "Can't Open $fname: $! ";
open my $fh, '<', $fname or die "Can't open ";
$size= -s IN;
#General header #1 32bytes, some BCDs some binaries
$F= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,1-1,2));
print " file number: $F","\n ";
$Y= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,3-1,2));
$K=unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,5-1,6));
print "general constant:$K","\n ";
$YR= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,11-1,1));
print "year: $YR","\n ";
$gd= unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,12-1,2));
print "revision: $GH","\n ";
for my $i (1..3)
$DY.= bin2dec(substr($gd,4*$i,4));
print "julian day: $DY","\n";
$H= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,14-1,1));
print " hour of day: $H","\n ";
$MI= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,15-1,1));
print "minute of hour: $MI","\n ";
$SE= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,16-1,1));
print "second of minute: $SE","\n ";
$Mc= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,17-1,1));
print "manufacturer's code: $Mc","\n ";
$Ms= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,18-1,2));
print "manufacturer's serial no: Ms","\n ";
$B= unpack( "H*",substr($cacing,20-1,3));
print "byte per scan: $B","\n ";
$bsi= unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,23-1,1));
for my $i (0..7)
$I+= (8/(2**$i))*$sr1, "\n";
print "base scan interval: $I","\n ";
$P1= unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,24-1,1));
print "polarity: Untested","\n ";
} elsif($P==0001)
print "polarity: Zero","\n ";
} elsif($P==0010)
print "polarity: 45 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==0011)
print "polarity: 90 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==0100)
print "polarity: 135 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==0101)
print "polarity: 180 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==0110)
print "polarity: 225 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==0111)
print "polarity: 270 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==1000)
print "polarity: 315 Deg","\n ";
} elsif($P==1100)
print "polarity: unassigned","\n ";
} else
print "polarity: $P","\n ";
$SB= bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,25-1,1)));
print "S/B exponent: $SB1","\n ";
$Z= substr((unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,26-1,1))),0,4);
print "record type: Test record","\n ";
} elsif($Z==0100)
print "record type: Parallel channel test","\n ";
} elsif($Z==0110)
print "record type: Direct channel test","\n ";
} elsif($Z==1001)
print "record type: Normal record","\n ";
} elsif($Z==0001)
print "record type: Other","\n ";
} else
print "record type: $Z","\n ";
#General header #2 32bytes, some BCDs some binaries
$ECX= bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,32+6-1,2)));
print "extended header blocks: $ECX","\n ";
$EH= bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,32+8-1,2)));
print "external header blocks: $EH","\n ";
#Channel set descriptor 32bytes, some BCDs some binaries
$TF= bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,$generalheader+3-1,2)));
print "channel set starting time: $TF","\n ";
$TE= 2*(bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,$generalheader+5-1,2))));
print "channel set end time: $TE","\n ";
$ECS= bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,$generalheader+27-1,2)));
print "extended channel set number: $ECS","\n ";
# Demux trace header 20bytes, some BCDs some binaries
$THE=bin2dec(unpack( "B*",substr($cacing,$headandchan+10-1,1)));
print "trace header extension: $THE","\n ";
print "************************************************","\n ";
print "Key Information ","\n ";
print "SEGD Revision: $GH","\n ";
print "format code: $Y >>> 32 bit IEEE demultiplexed","\n ";
} elsif($Y=='0058')
print "format code: $Y >>> 32 bit IEEE multiplexed","\n ";
} else
print "format code: $Y >>> Check SEGD Convention ","\n ";
print "no of sample each trace: $samp","\n ";
print "sampling rate: $sr ms","\n ";
print "total header general, channel, external (byte): $headandchan","\n ";
print "trace header length (byte): $trtot","\n ";
$tracecount = sprintf("%.0f", $tracecount);
print "no of traces : $tracecount\n";
print "************************************************","\n ";
# Reading data >>>> traces
print " Type 1 = IBM 32-Bits floating point or 2 = IEEE 32 bits floating point\n";
$formatcode= <STDIN>;
print " Converting $fname to ASCII with IBM 32-Bits floating point format...\n";
} elsif($formatcode==2)
print " Converting $fname to ASCII with IEEE 32-Bits floating point format...\n";
} else
print " Type 1 = IBM 32-Bits floating point or 2 = IEEE 32 bits floating point\n";
seek (IN,$headandchan+$trtot,1);
my $buffer;
my $i=1;
open OUT," > out.txt" or die "$!\n";
while (sysread(IN, $buffer, $trtot+($samp*$bytewidth),0))
for ($j=0; $j<=$samp-1; $j++)
$trace_value[$j] = conv_bit_string_2_ibm32float($amp[$j]);
} elsif($formatcode==2)
$trace_value[$j] = conv_bit_string_2_ieee32float($amp[$j]);
print OUT $trace_value[$j],"\t";
print OUT "\n";
progress_bar( $i, $tracecount, 25, '=' );
print "\e[?25h";
print "\n";
print "...process done!: out.txt (rows(traces)=$tracecount cols(samples)=$samp) has been created\n";
sub progress_bar {
my ( $got, $total, $width, $char ) = @_;
$width ||= 25;
$char ||= '=';
my $num_width = length $total;
local $| = 1;
print "\e[?25l";
printf "|%-${width}s| write %${num_width}s traces of %s (%.2f%%)\r",
$char x (($width-1)*$got/$total). '>', $got, $total, 100*$got/$total;
sub bin2dec {
return unpack("N", pack("B32", substr("0" x 32 . shift, -32)));
sub conv_bit_string_2_ibm32float {
$bit_string_ibm = shift;
$first_digit_ibm = substr($bit_string_ibm, 0, 1);
if ( $first_digit_ibm eq "0" ) {
$sign_bit_ibm = 1;
} elsif ( $first_digit_ibm eq "1" ) {
$sign_bit_ibm = -1;
$bin_exponent_ibm = substr($bit_string_ibm, 1, 7);
$exponent_ibm = bin2dec($bin_exponent_ibm);
$bin_fraction_ibm = substr($bit_string_ibm, 8, 31);
@bit_chars_ibm = unpack("A1" x length($bin_fraction_ibm), $bin_fraction_ibm);
$place_holder_ibm = -1;
$fraction_ibm = 0;
foreach $bit_ibm ( @bit_chars_ibm ) {
$fraction_ibm += $bit_ibm * (2 ** $place_holder_ibm);
$place_holder_ibm += -1;
$ibm_float_ibm = ($sign_bit_ibm ** 1) * (16 ** ($exponent_ibm - 64)) *($fraction_ibm);
return sprintf("%.4f", $ibm_float_ibm);
sub conv_bit_string_2_ieee32float {
$bit_string_ieee = shift;
$first_digit_ieee = substr($bit_string_ieee, 0, 1);
if ( $first_digit_ieee eq "0" ) {
$sign_bit_ieee = 1;
} elsif ( $first_digit_ieee eq "1" ) {
$sign_bit_ieee = -1;
$bin_exponent_ieee = substr($bit_string_ieee, 1, 8);
$exponent_ieee = bin2dec($bin_exponent_ieee);
$bin_fraction_ieee = substr($bit_string_ieee, 9, 31);
@bit_chars_ieee = unpack("A1" x length($bin_fraction_ieee), $bin_fraction_ieee);
$place_holder_ieee = -1;
$fraction_ieee = 0;
foreach $bit_ieee ( @bit_chars_ieee ) {
$fraction_ieee += $bit_ieee * (2 ** $place_holder_ieee);
$place_holder_ieee += -1;
$ieee_float_ieee = ($sign_bit_ieee ** 1) * (1+$fraction_ieee)*(2**($exponent_ieee - 127));
return sprintf("%.4f", $ieee_float_ieee);
GNUPLOT untuk transpose dan menampilkan hasil:
my $file = "out.txt";
open( FILE, $file ) or die "Can't open file '$file': $!";
while( <FILE> ) {
my @row = split;
push @data, \@row;
close( FILE );
open OUT1," > out1.txt" or die "$!\n";
for my $j (0..$#{$data[0]})
print OUT1 "$j","\t";
for my $i (0..$#data)
print OUT1 "$data[$i][$j]","\t";
print OUT1 "\n";
########## PLOT#############################################
open my $GP, '|-', 'gnuplot -persist';
print {$GP} <<'__GNUPLOT__';
set yrange[] reverse;
plot for [i=2:5] 'out1.txt' using i:1 with lines title ""
close $GP;
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