Komponen Imajiner:
#sr in seconds
$file=$ARGV[0]; #get input file
$SR=$ARGV[1]; #sampling rate
open( FILE, $file ) or die "Can't open file '$file': $!";
while( <FILE> ) {
my @row = split;
push @x1, @row;
close( FILE );
open OUT1," > inputfft.txt" or die "$!\n";
for ($i=0; $i< @x1; $i++)
print OUT1 $i*$SR, "\t";
print OUT1 $x1[$i], "\n";
$n=@x1; #n input
$k= int($m) + ($m != int($m)); #round up for power
$np=2**$k; #n after padding
for ($i=0; $i< $np; $i++)
push @x,1*$x1[$i];
for ( $k = 0; $k < $nx; $k++ )
#real part
for ( $n = 0; $n < $nx; $n++ )
#imaginary part
for ( $n = 0; $n < $nx; $n++ )
#power spectra
push @Px, $P[$k];
open OUT," > outputfft.txt" or die "$!\n";
for ( $k = 0; $k <= (@Px/2); $k++ )
print OUT $f, "\t";
print OUT $Px[$k]/$maxP, "\n";
sub max {
splice(@_, ($_[0] > $_[1]) ? 1 : 0, 1);
return ($#_ == 0) ? $_[0] : max(@_);
########## PLOT#############################################
open my $GP, '|-', 'gnuplot -persist';
print {$GP} <<'__GNUPLOT__';
set multiplot; # get into multiplot mode
set size 1,0.5;
set origin 0.0,0.5;
set xlabel 'Time (Second)'
set ylabel 'Amplitude'
set title 'TIME DOMAIN'
set xtics font "Verdana,7"
set ytics font "Verdana,7"
plot 'inputfft.txt' using 1:2 title '' with lines;
set origin 0.0,0.0;
set xlabel 'Frequency (Hz)'
set ylabel 'Amplitude'
set xtics font "Verdana,7"
set ytics font "Verdana,7"
plot 'outputfft.txt' using 1:2 title '' with lines
unset multiplot # exit multiplot mode
close $GP;
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